This has been a remarkable semester for Alpha Alpha. The academic year began with the chapter fully moved into the new house with a fully operative kitchen and dining operations. This is the first time in several years that the chapter has begun a new academic year living together in their own home. This long-awaited event has created significant excitement and energy as well as a positive atmosphere for our young brothers. It has also stimulated significant reflection and nostalgia for both undergraduates and alumni as the chapter has worked to incorporate traditions and logistical operations from the past into their new living arrangement. Remembering how the chapter used to be has provided the opportunity to re-activate and incorporate those aspects which were positive, productive, and cherished for their capacity to facilitate a vibrant brotherhood and support effective chapter programming and operations.
This fall we re-established the Young Alumni Board. This Board is comprised of recent graduates and is designed to facilitate the transition from undergraduate to alumni status, encourage the continued engagement of alumni brothers during the first five years after graduation, and serve as a liaison between the Alumni Board and the undergraduate chapter. This year this group has already organized and planned several projects including a “Hog Roast” for the chapter and young alumni in late September which was quite successful.
This has also been a semester which has provided many new experiences which will likely be treasured memories as time passes as they are recalled with pride, warmth, and nostalgia. The chapter has seen much success in academics, recruitment, philanthropy, and many on-campus Greek competitions. Homecoming was an especially successful event which began with a VIP reception on Friday night to honor those brothers who contributed in many ways to planning, funding, and building our new house. The Grand High Zeta and numerous staff members from the Office of Administration were special guests at this elegant and fun event. Saturday saw more than 150 alumni brothers and guests who returned for fellowship and to tour our new facility. It was one of the largest turnouts in recent years and a wonderful occasion to see so many brothers and their families who came for lunch and stayed to visit and to share their memories. The house was filled with laughter, children and baby strollers, brothers celebrating their 50th Reunion and many recent graduates. What a great reminder that brotherhood in Lambda Chi Alpha is a lifetime experience the day proved to be.
As the semester comes to a close and we reflect on our time in the new house, the vibrant and re-invigorated chapter, and the remarkable loyalty and involvement of our alumni, there is much to celebrate and to consider with gratitude. The chapter has recently elected new officers who you will read about here and who will assume their duties in January. I know that they will lead with skill, passion, and devotion to our values as we continue to build excellence and make memories at our new address. Come visit soon. Our new home is beautiful and the strength of the chapter, the quality of our young brothers, and the fraternal culture they have created will make you proud and remind you why you joined our great fraternity. Happy Holidays!